Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Random Dozen


Linda at 2nd Cup of Coffee sponsors Random Dozen.....go over to see more answers!

1. If you could compete in one Olympic event (not necessarily winter sports) what would it be?
Snowboarding!  I'm not even sure that's the right name, but I watched it and it looked like so much fun.  Of course, I wouldn't get to the first hill because I would be down from the get  go!

2. Do remember a specific Olympic moment from the past?
When I first saw Nadia Comaneci perform!  She was so little!  And she won so many gold medals.

3. Have you ever known anyone who competed in the Olympics?
4. If everyday activities were Olympic-worthy, which activity would you have a gold medal in?
5. Do you know anything about your ethnic heritage?
 I know I'm Scottish and Scotch-Irish......maybe several other flavors running through my blood!
6. Do you enjoy sleeping late?
Love it!  Dream about it!  Hardly ever happens!
7. Have you ever performed CPR on anyone? Do you know how? (Yes, that's two, I know. Whatevs.)
I've never performed CPR but I have had the class....could I do it?  I'm a firm believer of doing what you have to do, when you have to do it!  
8. Name one country you'd like to visit and explain why.
I really would just like to visit all the many places in this country that I've never been.....I think there are treasures to be found right here in America.
9. Have you ever fixed up a couple romantically?
I try all the time. 
10. What is the last book you read?
Twelve Ordinary Men.....McArthur
11. This question I was supposed to write....well my mind is blank...

12. What is your favorite meal at your favorite restaurant?
crab cakes and ceasar salad at Bone*fish

You said today is only Wednesday???  How can this be, I'm so tired!  


Tonja said...

Oh, I remember when she did her gymnastics...remember Olga Corbett...Mary Lou Retton?

I think I would be an ice skater...I just know one of those little outfits would look darling on me!

Dawn said...

My favorite moment ever is when Dorothy Hamill won the gold - we were so invested in her. Then Randy and Tai, who were supposed to win the gold for pairs skating and he got hurt just before they went on. So sad.

Aimz said...

Scottish and Irish? Me too! btw am loving the winter olympics too :-)

Sharon said...

Very interesting! If being a spectator were an oplymic sport that would be the one I'd go for! Love to watch; not very active though. We have a Bonefish Grill (I think) in Birmingham. I've been there once; a surprise gathering for my 60th birthday. The food was great!

Nel said...

Enjoyed your answers. Nagging, how funny! That is the first time that I have seen that one, good choice! I am with you on America, we have so many beautiful places right here in America. I did not answer that but wish I had of. Thanks for sharing.

until next time... nel

I have a carnival giveaway going on at my corner of blog land. The I Win...You Won Giveaway. Tonight is the cut off, check it out if you are interested. It involves a Traveling Book.

Shellbelle said...

I'd say we'd be in hot competition for the Gold in nagging, lol.

I'm with you on seeing places right here in America. Especially since I got into blogging and seeing so many fabulous photos of other areas I would love to visit. I keep a file for my favorite photos and where they are from. For now, I'm looking forward to the East coast after I move.

This was fun getting to know a bit more about you!

Debby@Just Breathe said...

Love you answers. Boy, did you see the snowboard tricks last night? I do agree with you, I have so many things I haven't seen the the USA. Haven't heard of that resturant.

Justabeachkat said...

Always love to read these. It gives us another change to learn more about each other.

Your nagging answer made me chuckle.


Debbie Petras said...

Everytime I visit my brother and his family in Florida, we always go to Bonefish. I love that restaurant and wish they had one in Phoenix. I guess we are close in age as you remember Nadia too. :)
