Monday, December 31, 2012

Christmas 2012!

Oh, yes, we did have Christmas and it was both wonderful and sad.  Only sad in that we missed all our children and grands who weren't with us this year. Wonderful just because Christmas is a wonderful time of thanksgiving for the birth of our Savior!

We had a nice Christmas Eve service with children reading the Christmas stories and lots of singing.
After church we came home and had pizza.  I insisted we keep it simple this year!  
I did, however, have poppers so it may look like we had been drinking, but we really hadn't!  

Some friends came and celebrated with us.....they had never seen poppers before and may have confirmed in their minds that we are really crazy!  Mickey is holding up an unpopped popper.  

Since I've seen that I don't look so great in a crown, I no longer aim to be queen.

Superhero with his mama

Christmas morning, the Superhero cooks a big breakfast.  
Our son and DIL.

You know these two

David with Jack

Opening presents

Matt explaining to the dogs that they had no presents because they hadn't been nice this year.

After a short rest, we take our traditional dishes and go to my brother's home for more Christmas.  When any part of our family is in the house you are assured of a good crowd!  We weren't all here this year.

The sisters, yes I'm a middle child

My brother, the host

We do live in Florida, so the orange tree was full of oranges

Two of my greatnieces

My BIL who brought a very special gift this year....the FLU!  He didn't stay long and only a bunch few got the of the only years I have ever had my flu shot and I am so thankful!!  That's a nephew right behind him.  

My brother

Lots of visiting going on

And fun

SIL, Lois, hostess.....thanks for always having the gang over for a wonderful Christmas

Mama with my sisters

MIL and me

Tables everywhere

One of my sweet nephews is making a video of our family from the time mama and daddy started dating until present......we were watching the part of it he's completed.  We shed a few tears.  Mama's watching and probably had a lot of kids!

Hope everyone of you had a Merry Christmas and have the very best new year ever!

Friday, December 28, 2012

It's once again Friday and time to join Mrs. 4444 for Friday Fragments where we dump the left overs from the week.  Problem is my weeks are so mixed up right now that I'll just ramble a bit as I usually do!  Go over and join in the fun!


The Superhero and I were invited to a Christmas party the weekend before Christmas. Now no one would call me shy or an introvert, but as outgoing as I am I have social anxiety...  it manifests itself in the form of WHAT DO I WEAR???????  The Superhero was born into a wonderful family, but they were born for these events so what to wear just comes naturally to him.  Oh, of course as I'm sure you know, all a guy has to wear is khaki pants  Khaki pants and a button down  Khaki pants, button down shirt, tie and blazer.  But what about us women who haven't a clue and just want to wear jeans?  When I put   
on the outfit I had struggled over all day and the Superhero you think that is dressy enough.....well, he's lucky to be alive.  I said simple is classy, so there!  And it was fine, some people were dressed to the nines and some were just like me, black pants and an off white sweater (o.k. they all didn't have off white sweaters, but some form of top with black pants).  It was a nice party, but I will say I was glad to get home.


It's been cold here in NW Florida!  We've actually had a fire in our fireplace for three or four nights.  Now no snow like many of you, but cold for us southern girls!

And since we walk at the crack of before dawn every morning below is a picture of a very southern girl dressed to walk in the cold.

I have on two pairs of socks, two pairs of jeans, two shirts underneath that fleece jacket, a scarf tied around my face, ear muffs, hat and hood pulled up on the jacket...oh, and gloves!  I probably wouldn't do well living in actually cold places!


We had a wonderful Christmas and I plan to post about that later, but I'll just give you these two pictures......the Superhero gave me a big lens for my camera and I went right out and took this picture of the moon.  I really love being about to take close up pictures and ones of things far away. The moon was fuller than this, but it was going behind a cloud.

This Mexican bell was given to me by a sweet lady about 39 years ago.  She got it on a mission trip to Mexico and it has resided near the top of my tree every year since.  Every time I take it out of the box, I remember Abby fondly!  


I lived in Alaska for a short time over 40 years ago and had some of the best friends I've ever known, even though I only knew them for a very short time.  Going through old pictures and cards one day, I found this Christmas card the lady we fondly called "Mom" sent me shortly after I returned home to Florida.  I know you can't read what she says, but just let me say how much it meant to me and the memories finding this card brought back.

Just a couple of years ago, I found her daughter again after all these years by googling names and finding "mom's" obituary.  I was sad I didn't find them while she was still living, but I was glad to reconnect with her daughter.  We had some good times together in Alaska....until it got cold.  

In exciting news, I'm getting a new car!  We drive our cars until they are almost gone and mine is getting to that point.  I had hoped the car would be here before Christmas, but it is now scheduled for sometime in January.  Sigh.....yesterday, I was driving and suddenly looked down to see I was going 100 miles per hour.  I knew that couldn't be right and when I came to a stop the needle rested on 48 instead of 0.  Sigh, yes, I need a new car!  Can't wait to show it to you.....maybe soon!!!

One last thing,  I may have mentioned before that my mother named me after her sister, my Aunt Grayce.  My poor mama never could spell and spelled my name Grace on my birth certificate and Grayce on my Baptismal Certificate.  On most pictures, she captioned my name as Grayce and I know she meant to spell it that way.  Recently it's been bothering me and I wanted to legally change it although the Superhero expressed his opinion that I was nuts.  He did however, say he would support my decision.  Anyhow, I asked a judge friend of the Superhero's and he said although he had never personally handled one, he knew it was a lot of paperwork and then asked had I considered that I would have to then also change any legal document that had my name on it?  O.K. I've now decided that I'll spell it however I want to on things that aren't bona fide legal documents and just suck it up on the rest!  


Have a wonderful weekend! 

Friday, December 21, 2012

Friday Fragments......The Friday Before Christmas

Well, I hope you're all ready because we're on the final countdown to Christmas!  

This Friday, I'm participating with Mrs. 4444's Friday Fragments.  Go on over and visit others who have posted the left over thoughts from a busy week!

Something I really love about Christmas is getting cards and especially those with pictures!  Here is one of my favorites this year, our youngest grandsons!  Isn't this a great card?

Another favorite this year is exchanging cards with many blog friends!  How wonderful to get to know each of you better and looking forward to getting cards!


I've been wrapping ........literally......up the last of the Christmas things to do lists.  The last thing is cleaning house so if today is the last day for the world, maybe I'll wait until tomorrow to clean!  


One funny thing happened this week.....

The Superhero asked me why I did something a certain way and this was the following conversation....

Me ...You don't even know me!

Superhero.....YOU don't even know you!

Ha!  Could he be right??
He's cute that way!


I always put my Christmas cards around door openings......I took this picture days ago, I now have them covering two door openings!


I bought my two spoiled dogs beds thinking that at least during the day, they might enjoy them......of course they have to sleep in our bed at night.

Ha!  I couldn't force Mikey (grey) into one of them.....

 Jack stayed in about five seconds, then made his way out.....all the while you see who is thoroughly enjoying the bed!  Max, the cat!  Who now goes from one to the other relaxing in style while the two bad boys won't go within ten feet of the beds!


And for those of you who didn't exchange cards with me this year....

Merry Christmas from this Florida couple!

The back says....

Praying your Christmas is full of the joy of Christ's Presence.

I truly pray that for each one of you, dear friends!

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Yes, Virginia, life is not fair.....

.......but God is Sovereign.

All the bloggers that I know are kind, compassionate people.  We are all heartbroken at the recent events.  I know I have cried many tears during these last few days.

More than one person has said "Where was your God?"  He was right where He always is......He's omnipresent.  Matthew 1:23  “Behold, the virgin shall conceive and bear a son, and they shall call his name Emmanuel” (which means, God with us).  He was there....We are saddened by such an enormous loss, but Heaven is too wonderful for us to imagine and being in the presence of the Almighty is so much better than being in this present world. 

Psalm 139:16 tells us that our days are numbered.... 

Psalm 56:8 tells us that He keeps a record of our tears..... 

Tonight, we went to a performance by Tim Zimmerman and the Kings Brass along with the Bay County Christian Youth Choir and when they played Away in a struck me that Jesus came to earth as a baby, was hunted by those who wanted to kill him and finally hung on that cruel cross at Calvary in our stead, the good news is that He overcame death and the grave and lives and because He lives, we can face tomorrow.  God knows our sorrows and bears our burdens along with us.  We who know Him are never alone.  Never.  One of the verses particularly struck me in the wake of the loss of these dear ones.....

"Bless all the dear children in Thy tender care, and fit them for heaven to live with thee there."  

God is not surprised at the things that happen on this earth.   We live in a fallen, sinful world.  One in which terrible things happen.  God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in times of trouble....Psalm 46:1 Cling to Him who is our only comfort during this and all terrible tragedies!

The eternal God is your dwelling place, and underneath are the everlasting arms.  Deuteronomy 33:27

May He fold all who lost loved ones in those everlasting arms and may we all take comfort in the sure knowledge that this is NOT our home.

I've turned off comments because there really are no words.

Friday, December 14, 2012

Friday Fragments ....

Come play along with Mrs. 4444 today for Friday Fragments.  Pour out the little remnants of your week that didn't make up a whole post.  This time of year, my life feels like a series of little fragments in general.  Wait....that's each and every season of my life!

O.K. we see so many strange sights when we walk before the crack of dawn at 5:30 AM.....there are strange sights that time of day, people!  One morning, walking back into our neighborhood a school boy was waiting for his bus laying in the street with his head propped on his books.  At that age, they see no danger!  Granted, he was right in front of the sign entering our hood, but still....if the bus had just swung a little too far making that turn, he would have been a road pancake!

Another morning, we were again on the way back home, when we walked in front of some apartments with kids yes, again, waiting for the bus so I said in my cheery morning voice "Good Morning!!"  Not a word, NOT A manners children!  Some day you too will be old and you won't have to wait in the predawn hour for the bus to transport you to the dreaded school.  In the meantime, learn to return greetings!


For your viewing pleasure....
See that dimple?  He gets that from his Pappy!  Isn't that the sweetest smile? 

This is me in of the few times it snowed enough to actually have a snowman......see the dirt and grass mixed in with his snowsuit?  That is a Florida snowman!  


News flash!  I am almost completely done with Christmas shopping!  I cannot tell you how much more I enjoy Christmas with that off my mind.  I have actually mailed packages to those I send packages to, and my Christmas cards have gone out......I may have a few that I've left off by pure forgetfulness, and I've actually ordered the Superhero a couple of gifts.  Whew!


We have his office Christmas party tonight, a ladies brunch tomorrow for church and one other Christmas open house before our Christmas Eve service!  I've told the Superhero I want to do supper after the Christmas Eve service at our house this year and keep it simple.  He quipped PB&J's?  I replied quite indignantly.....NO, I'll order pizza!  I like simple!


Unfortunately, at this time of the year, people who suffer from depression and mental issues often take a nose dive.  If that's you this season, I pray the peace that passes all human understanding will guard your heart and mind!  

Have a great weekend and may your days be jolly and bright!!!

Friday, December 7, 2012

Another Week rolls to an end!

It's Friday!  Linking up today with Mrs. 4444 for another edition of Friday Fragments......go on over and check out the remnants of other's brains!

First of all, Happy Birthday to my granddaughter, Devin on her 21st birthday!  I hope it's a wonderful day and we love you!


It's Pearl Harbor Day.  The Superhero's uncle was there and we are so very thankful he survived!  Thank you Uncle Hugh and all the brave men and women throughout the history of our country who have sacrificed to keep us free.


My Ipad confuses the heck out of me.  Just thought you would want to know that!


So.....the Superhero started some time ago walking at 5ish AM and wants me to walk with him.  I've been sick and haven't been walking, but since I'm better he decided it was time.

Yesterday, at 5:10 AM, the Superhero (who is unnaturally happy before daylight) woke me up with his usual cheerful "time to go walk".....I growled but got up dressed and we walked.  I may or may not have complained the entire way.  When we got home I said (in my almost not mean voice) "thanks for making me walk".  He just smiled.  

Fast forward to THIS morning at 5:30 AM.  The Superhero comes into our bedroom with the newspaper and a cup of coffee and gently wakes me to say "drink this and then we'll walk".....when we were walking I said thanks for waking me so nicely and he replied "Well, since I walked into the pit of hell with you yesterday......."  Cute Superhero, very cute!


Keeping it short and sweet today!  Lots to have a great weekend all!