Wednesday, April 15, 2009

The end of the symphony....

Maestro has his baton held high in the air....he's on the tips of his toes......sweat making it's way down his's the pregnant pause. The waiting family audience feels the end coming.....they know that when that baton comes down, all instruments will furiously, passionately play the ending and then suddenly, it's over!

The orchestra members take their bows, the maestro bows his head in utter exhaustion, then turns to sweep the baton towards the musicians. The wife in her strappy little black dress pajamas clasps her hands to her heart, the children dance. The dogs do flips.








Tax season is over! I get my husband back!!!!

And let me tell you, the sound of silence after the music is beautiful.

Once again he's my.....well, I'll just let you listen to his love song to me!

Yep, he's my puppet!! :) In this picture, Russell was actually on stage with a ventriloquist in Branson. He was mortified and his mother and I laughed until we cried!

1 comment:

Katie and Beau said...

I know you're probably more excited than he is!

Have fun on vaca.