Thursday, October 1, 2009

Did somebody say it is October?

Ah, we had a chill in the air this morning!  Of course, it doesn't look like that picture around here, but the mountains have such pretty autumns!  We actually don't have autumn.  We just skip in and out of summer.

We have a cute little elderly couple in our neighborhood and if it goes below 70 they have a fire in their fireplace.  Sure enough, this morning when I took the dogs out, I could smell that fire going. 

The thing is, it's only cool for 10 minutes then we're right back to summer!  I did open my doors for a little while to get the fresh air. 

That's when I was dusting.  Oh, by the way, if you're missing any dust, it's here.  I frankly think dust should be a household decoration. 


Debby@Just Breathe said...

I don't like dust at all. It's not real bad in my newer home but we lived in what seemed to be dust city before. This house is darker, that is probably why! Your pictures are great.

Amy said...

I envy you alot about to go into autumn, it's my favourite season :-)

Jinksy said...

Dust has decorated my home for years!

Nancy said...

Hi! I'm another Nancy visiting your blog. I've seen your comments on JustBreathe and Keepiedaniece. (I've known Keetha since high school.)

Ah, dust. When I moved to Arizona, the "dustiest" state in the US, I received this bit of advice: "If you don't disturb it, it won't disturb you." Amazingly, it works, but not when company is coming. (smile)

Deb said...

I have to in Texas we have lots of dust...hey doesn't it protect the furniture???LOL... I like your blog...