Saturday, March 20, 2010

A Possum Tale.....

These two dashing defenders of their domicile had quite a bit of excitement last night.  

After a late supper, we were sitting in the living room trying to relax after a hectic day, when Jack, our little black doggie started whining to go outside.  He was out for some time barking like crazy which is not unusual.  We do need the dog whisperer here!  After a while I let his brother, Mikey out too and together they were waking the entire neighborhood.   Or at least disturbing them during their favorite t.v. shows.

I decided I might better go out and take a peek since no one else in the house seemed concerned and make sure it wasn't a burglar they were keeping at bay!

But, THIS is what I saw......

They were barking at this HUGE possum!  I got way too close for comfort before I saw him peering down at his enemies!  So I screamed quite loudly and ran in the house with the dogs close on my heels!  

Then I risked life and limb to go back out and take this picture, mainly to show my husband how big that sucker was!  

I mean, this possum could have jumped on the dogs or me and bitten us.  The dogs have had their rabies shots.....but I haven't!  

I told the two conquering heros thank you and prayed they had done their business for the night because there was NO WAY we were going back in the yard!  

So my question is this.......where does this monster possum live during the day?  


Mommy, I'm Home said...

Aren't possums nocturnal? Let's hope it's sleeping in someone else's back yard during the day...

Cathy said...

Under your deck on the side of your house!!!

Katie and Beau said...

Ha ha that's funny! What do you think the dogs would have done if he hopped down????

Sweet Tea said...

You are one BRAVE BLOGGER to get this stor PLUS photo for us. YIKES! I'm thinkin' your poochies are very lucky, as small as they are, that they got away.

Anonymous said...

Unlikely to get rabies from possums. opossums carry rabies?

Debby@Just Breathe said...

Good question. Sometimes they will live in the crawl space of a home. We had an incounter years ago. Our dog actually got flies from one that was around often.
Then we had a dozen babies in the yard. It was a horrible time if you ask me. Those dam things scare the cr*p out of me. We would hose them off the fence, push them off with a large brush broom. Stay close to the dogs.

Amy said...

probably up one of your tall trees, we have a mother in baby in one of ours, they periodically come down to tease our dog...

Dawn said...

That is one nasty looking critter! Good picture!

Donnetta said...

EEK! I had a similar situation happen once only I encountered a porcupine instead of a possum. I'm sure a possum would have alarmed me just as much!

Anonymous said...

you know where he lives mom, under the porch!! lol!!

Gigi said...

Under your bed!! But shhhh, don't tell, cuz it's supposed to be a secret!

Love Being A Nonny said...

This creeps me out!! I can't stand those things! I would have NEVER gone back outside...not even for a blog picture!! UGH!!! One of these got in my daughter's bedroom one time in her apartment!! She moved. No kidding! UGH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Stella said...

Ours lives under the garden shed and provides entertain for my two dogs. I think you were such a hero to brave the night and monsters just to get your bloggy friends a good photo. Stella

...You May Say I'm A Dreamer said...

YIKES!! You are a brave soul! What a creepy little critter with those glowing eyes...I have no idea where they hang out during the day but hopefully far far away!