Saturday, September 12, 2009

Two Visits

Does anybody besides me ever just run out of titles??  Well, anyway.....
Thursday, I had an appointment with a doctor in my sister's town, so I drove over to her house and she sweetly went to the doctor with me.  Of course, she knows him well because he operated on my BIL's shoulder a few months ago.  

More about that later, let's just say that after the 30th, I won't be typing a lot! 

An added bonus to the trip was getting to see and visit with Mary Grace and Grady! 

Since I upgraded my template, I'm having a problem with pictures, so rather than try and do something now, I'll just let you enjoy the pictures of handsome Grady and his beautiful mama!

It took Grady a while to warm up to Uncle Dick and his wheelchair, but he finally got comfortable enough to take a ride! 


Debby@Just Breathe said...

Good for you. I love the pictures.

Jess said...

When you put your pics in your post does it not let you move them around? It wont for me...i try and try.

And yes I sooo run out of titles...LOL

Hope all is well and that you have a great weekend

Good pics...and he's a cutie!

Hope your surgery will be wuick and easy with minimal pain and an express healing.....and that it fixes it all! LOve, Jess

Dawn said...

Oh, dear, something to your hand - hope it's not too serious.

Grady is a little doll!

Amy said...

oh dear, hope your surgery goes quickly and easily.

Pauly said...

So you're having surgery for carpal tunnel, or what? I haven't ran out of titles, but I sometimes forget to put one. I often just continue on from my title to the rest of my lead sentence. Did that make sense? I know what I mean to say, just not quite sure about the phraseology.....

Katie and Beau said...

love that boy! he looks so big in your lap!

The White Family said...

It was good to see you, Cathy, and Dick!

Needled Mom said...

What a cutie that little guy is. I did not like the sound of the fact that you may be needing shoulder surgery. Yuk! Your BIL had to have it? I worry that my mom will someday need it with her transfers too. I'm sure the recovery for them would be dreadful.

Connie said...

Yes I do run out of titles too...loved the photos. That baby is too cute!
