Monday, December 7, 2009

Traveling with our GPS, the ultimate adventure

Oh, the adventure started out really well.Our first day on the road went great......well until we got to our stopping place and turned on the Gator game.  This went south fast and a deep depression settled over our motorhome.  

But, we quickly sucked it up and decided to get some rest and get on the road to San Antonio yesterday.  We did get here, but not without a LOT of problems with Lola our GPS taking us to the wrong places.

The Blazing Star Luxury R.V. resort could not possibly be in a shopping center!  But that's where Lola wanted us to go.  We tried to get turned around in a small apartment complex with lots of oak trees....not good.  We ended up, and I use the word we loosely, unhooking the car and getting turned around with the dogs screaming like they had been hit by a car.  Very frustrating. 

After three or four calls to the Blazing Star LUXURY R.V. center and stopping to set up the computer and go to mapquest........we pulled in late and very frustrated. 

Russell later apologized to the dogs for yelling shut up at them 650 times.  Luckily, they are quick to forgive. 

We then took no chances and took both Lola and the computer with us to find the hotel on the River Walk where my sister and her husband are staying. 

By then, hunger was gnawing, so we found an elevator to get down on River Walk where 6,000 luminaries were supposed to light up the walk.......3 of them had actually stayed lit.  It was still beautiful and we went to the Iron Cactus to eat a wonderful dinner.  Wonderful!  Did I say dinner was great!? 

Oh, except for the Mariachi men......they're great, but really loud and best heard from a distance.  Of course, they go table to table......when they got near us, I said keep your heads down and don't look at them!  But they were good and we listened from the other tables. 

But the food!  It made the whole frustrating trip worth while!  We walked a while, went back to my sister and her husband's hotel, talked a while, then found our way back to our R. V. and had a great nights sleep!

This morning, we are relaxing with a good cup of coffee, then we will take off back downtown to see the sights! 

Stay tuned for more from our trip to the wedding!


Debby@Just Breathe said...

Sorry about the frustrations! I love the way you didn't make contact with the band. I hear ya!
Looking forward to hear about the rest of the trip.

Amy said...

Sounds fun, not, but seriously what would you be doing if you weren't travelling? I'd be sitting at home bored if it was me, still a great way to see the country :-)

Tonja said...

I love San Antonio. It is such a beautiful place! Hope the rain stops soon! Sometimes those GPS act crazy don't they?

Katie and Beau said...

Yay! We're in the same state! Come see us!

Dawn said...

I was privileged to stay in one of those nice hotels on the Riverwalk on my one and only trip to S.A. Friday night was very noisy - couldn't sleep, even though on the 14th floor. Called the desk to complain and their comment was, "Well, it IS Friday night!" They seemed to think that made perfect sense.

We had a bit of trouble with our GPS one of the days in Maine. That is definitely frustrating!

Kristie said...

Sounds like an adventure!! We always get a really good laugh when Jeff and I are using a GPS. I think it's fun to talk back to them and Jeff just smiles. We missed you at bible study today but I hope you are having a great time!! Love ya!

Gigi said...

My GPS, Nancy (as in Nancy Drew) has taken me on a few wild goose chases too...ugh! Glad you finally reached your destination and had a good time!