Thursday, September 18, 2008

Happy Birthday Sister!

I know some of you are wondering exactly how many sisters and brothers I actually have! :) It seems that every four years, my parents thought I would like a brother or sister....they never asked me! I'm glad they didn't, because I have 5 wonderful brothers and sisters. Three brothers and two sisters.

Today is my sister Debbie's birthday. She is four years younger than me, so you'll have to figure it out.....I don't want her to kill me. She's 52. Uh oh.....I didn't mean to tell, really I didn't.

But doesn't she look great?! She looks the most like our mother. That's mama in the picture below.

I hope you have a wonderful day and enjoy the flowers your husband brought you. She also has a sweet husband! He took the day off, brought her roses and is cooking supper for her tonight!

Happy Birthday, I love you.


Tonja said...

Happy Birthday, Sister! Such a great pic of the 2 of you! A sister is a special bond...a special gift from God.

Leslie: said...

Gee, I hope she had a lovely day and dinner with hubby. You are so lucky to have so many bros and sis's.

Dawn said...

YOu have very good looking brothers and sisters - and you as well! It does seem like you're often celebrating a birthday!