Oh, but I wish I had been able to get a shot of the sunrise this morning. I'm not usually up to see the sunrise, but my MIL had cataract surgery this morning, and I was on my way to the eye surgery center. The sun wasn't even quite over the trees, so I only got a glimpse of this huge, fire red ball that made the entire sky around it glow. It was breathtaking. I wanted to pull over to get a picture, but of course, I was running late and decided not to keep anyone waiting.
MIL did great! She got the new lens that makes you see like you're young again.....when she came out, although she was very groggy, she could read the tag on my car! I was impressed.
O.K. so I'm supposed to be learning some techniques for controlling the anxiety when I have a panic attack. Which should also work to control stress. I'm such a skeptic!
1. Breathing....well, that's never been that easy for me! Slow, deep breaths, in through your nose, out through you mouth. 5 seconds each way. For 4 minutes total. I'm trying....but obviously I don't do it right because I start to hyperventilate. That'll stop a panic attack...you just pass out!
2. Journaling....I wonder if the blog counts? Journal every thing, every day so you learn what triggers the panic. These are the things I think are the main triggers,
There are a few other things, but of course I can't remember them so I'll just concentrate on those two this week.
Oh, yes, I have to think of 9 things to do when I start to have that feeling and I know a panic attack is coming right behind.....it's not like I have a lot of actual, full blown panic attacks....just two in the past long, long time...so 9 things?
1. Think about scripture
2. Go for a walk.
3. Oh, I'm sure journal since then I'll know what triggered the attack.
4. Bake (cookies, cakes, pies....because it doesn't stress me to gain weight)
5. Clean ......I don't like that one so I'm striking it off the list.
6. Call my husband. It really does calm me to hear his voice even though he says "Get over it."
Side note: My husband minored in Psychology. Good thing it's not his job.
I can't think of anymore except the one I usually really do.....
9. Go to M*v*e G*ll*ry and rent a movie, watch it in my bed.
I'm no psychologist, but I've figured the last one out! I think about the movie and NOT what I'm stressed about.
Now just in case you're thinking that I'm always in the bed watching movies......I'm not.
Oh, yes, and I'm reading a book called Boundaries by Dr. Henry Cloud & Dr. John Townsend. I'll let you know how that goes.
My sister says just get a brown paper bag and breathe into it and you'll be o.k. Maybe that could be on my list!
On a bright note, it is a beautiful day here. I'm not sick with the crud and a LOT of people around here are, and we start back to our Tuesday nite Bible study tonight.