Monday, January 5, 2009

On the fifth day of January......

I realized that I had made NO resolutions. Well, I made one to start exercising again and lose ____ lbs.

But then evil boy, otherwise known as youngest child, made sugar cookies. He makes some great sugar cookies! He finally hid them which was really good for me!

Uh oh, I caught him with his eyes closed! This one is going to make a great husband! He's so much like dear old dad, he cooks, he can just about do anything he sets his mind too. Very important quality in a husband. He's really smart too!

My other resolution is really the most important. Read and study the Bible more and spend more time praying. We start our Thursday morning Bible group again this coming Thursday and it's a brand new one for us called, Respectable Sins by Jerry Bridges I've just started reading and so far I am really enjoying it and think it will be a great study. We have some women in our group who can discuss with the best!

AND I also followed husband's lead and used the step and weights for 20 minutes today......he worked out for 30 but he's just got more stamina than I do. So, I'm not skinny yet, but I sure am sore and will be moreso tomorrow.

The rest of this is so random. I just read this again, and I need to make a correction. The first of this is random too. I'm sorry but my mind is going fast.

Friday, Russell and the two younger boys men went to the woods for the weekend. Tommy killed a big buck right away so back to town he came, dropped the poor murdered corpse at the meat market, stopped in for a moment to beam and went right back to the woods. Then, oh dear, oh dear, Russell killed a hog. WHY???? He cut the hams and loin out for US TO EAT. I mean, for him to eat. I just don't eat anything I've seen running through the woods. Don't even tell me how hamburgers are cows, I know that but I didn't watch them run freely and happily down a trail.

If we invite you over to eat, I'd ask what the meat is if I were you!

On a completely other note, my granddaughter informed me she's now a vegetarian. ??? I'm not sure where that came from, but good for her! She'll be the healthy one.

O.K. that's it.


Keetha Broyles said...

I'm just SO HAPPY to see your Tree is still up!!!!!!

I HATE that the whole world seems to decorate really early and then jerk their trees down the day after Christmas - - - or even SOONER!!!

Mine is up with PRIDE. Maybe this weekend I'll take it down - - - but then again - - - maybe not!!


Dawn said...

The other day our neighbors down the street had at least 6 carcuses laying out on their front grass when we came home from church. There were all these guys in orange camouflage (is that an oxymoron or what??) coveralls with proud looks on their faces - YUCK!! Kristen was coming over for dinner and she just about couldn't eat lunch. BTW, she decided at age 4 that she couldn't eat animals any more. She isn't totally vegetarian, but she doesn't eat much meat to this day.

Tonja said...

I am so with you, sister, on that animal killing. Now, if we were starving and that was necessary for survival...maybe...but, I can not even bear to think about those animals missing their mommy...who is now stacked up in someone's freezer!

By, the zebra skin rug looks nice in my library.

You wouldn't call me hypocritical or anything, would ya?

Cathy said...

When did you talk to Ashley.....I watched her eat this summer, I cannot believe she is a vegetarian!! I wish I could be. I had a great bacon cheeseburger for supper. Maybe I will do a couple of situps or something.......

YaYa's Funhouse said...

He seems like a great kid...I love that Christmas tree too. I like to decorate mine with ornaments that have sentimental note to them.
Great lookin doggies too. We had a little dachs that had to be put to sleep before Thanksgiving. We still miss him soooo much.

Needled Mom said...

I always leave my tree up until after the Epiphany on Jan. 6th. I just can't believe that it is January already.