Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Senior Discount

Remember how we got carded when we looked to young to buy a drink? Oh, I never bought one, I just saw other people doing that:)) Well today I got my first ever senior citizen discount at Goody's. When I told the cashier I would be getting the senior discount, she said no mam, you have to be 55, so I said in my proudest old voice, well, I am 55! She said (and no kidding, just like this) Mam, I'll need to see some i.d.! So when you're young, you get carded for looking too young and when you get old, you get carded for looking too young! What a great feeling!

I'll just add that right to my thankful list....look younger than 55. Oops, I just had a thought, what if she really needs glasses??? Oh, well......

So, Wednesday is over. Have a good night everyone!


Tonja said...

Good for you! I wouldn't mind getting carded for that! Way to go!

Shonda said...

Thanks for stopping by my blog and commenting.

What a pleasant surprise to be carded. I understand, I just turned 40 and I insisted on getting a new picture on my DL. I looked too old on the old license and wanted a younger looking picture. LOL!

Blessings in Christ--

Dawn said...

I have always hoped that would happen to me! It's great to have that discount, but would be nice if they didn't believe you were eligible!