Thursday, January 31, 2008

Just Another day in the animal kingdom

Towards evening, Max and Molly sit longing for the freedom of the great outdoors. Meanwhile, Mikey imprisons himself in his kennel just in case he's in trouble!

Presently, I'm on break from mopping the kitchen floor! Russell is busy at the office, so I decided it was a good time to do some cleaning! :( I have tile floors in my kitchen and when we were putting them in it seemed right to use light grout. Well, we now have dark grout and no amount of mopping gets it light again. I'm thinking, now why didn't I go for the dark grout!?? I mean if I was going to eventually have it anyway??? Oh, except for that tiny little spot where I spilled red fingernail polish.....Such are the days of the everyday housewife!

Wow, aren't you glad you checked in tonight?? Just a little bit of nothing!

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

This song means so much...

I first heard this song when we sang it at touched me so deeply. I've been singing it ever since. A funny thing about me, as a rule, I don't just listen to music. My husband and I don't have a "song" and that's o.k. with us. But certain ones just touch my heart and this is one.

O.K. I Voted, Now STOP!

The automated calls! Does anyone really sit and listen to them? Am I the only one who never answers my home phone anymore? Today I voted. Then I got more calls! I am ever so thankful for caller I.D.

Now my prayer is that whoever(or whomever, I can never get that straight) becomes our next president will lead us under God. That as Christians, we will continue to pray diligently for our nation. I pray that we all become 2 Chronicles 7:14 people and humble ourselves and pray and seek His face and turn from our wicked ways so that the Lord will hear from heaven and will forgive our sin and heal our land!

Just as an aside, may I say, I love this country. I love being an American and am so thankful God saw fit to place me in this land of freedom. We may have our problems, but there's no place else in the world that is as wonderful as my homeland! Wow, I really could break out in the pledge of allegiance!

Monday, January 28, 2008

I missed the milestone!

I've been so busy trying to learn to do things like linking that I didn't even notice that I finally passed 1,000 profile views! WHOO HOO!!! I didn't ever think that many people would ever even see my blog. I have enjoyed sharing with you my joys and sorrows and hope I haven't bored you all too much.

Speaking of joy, today both my in laws had their checkups and are doing well. Russell's dad is doing exceptionally well considering that his right lung has a huge tumor and he's 81! He is on oxygen, but is still driving and going places. He's much slower of course...but he's 81! I got the distinct impression that the dr. was quite impressed! My mother in law is doing great...she's completely cured as far as they can tell. Prayer, even the doctor is agreeing that that is what has gotten them through.

Now, for the $60,000.00 question. Why does God seemingly answer some prayers and not others? This could be a touchy subject, but I'll just say that since Genesis 3 happened, we live in a fallen, groaning creation. Some things we just have to know are a mystery. Years ago I read this on the last blank page of my grandmother's Bible, "There is a reason for our sickness known only to God." This is confirmed in Deuteronomy 29:29. Also in Daniel 12:9 after Daniel asks God what the outcome of the things He had told Daniel were, God said "Go your way Daniel." Some things we just have to be content with not knowing.

Let's all VOTE tomorrow!!!

Friday, January 25, 2008

Snippets and other things...

I love today's daily verse on Snippets!

My Bible study group is studying R.C. Sproul's book called "Now, That's a Good Question!" I am co-leading the group and it has really challenged me to the max! R.C. is a great teacher and theologian, but in this particular book, he doesn't give the answers in the back to the answers he gives in the front! So I search for the scriptures that would go along with his answers. I think it is probably really good for me that I'm stretched to search! I'm basically lazy and love it when the "correct" answer is in the back of any book.

I'll be leading the next chapter which is "Understanding Satan"....whoa! This is the verse he starts out with:

"Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil walks about like a roaring lion, seeking whom he may devour. Resist him, steadfast in the faith, knowing that the same sufferings are experienced by your brotherhood in the world." 1 Peter 5:8-9

What a reminder to always be on guard. To put on the full armor of God to withstand Satan...because he is always looking, seeking and walking about.

Fortunately, the last chapter was on the "Growing Spiritual Life". The last portion of that chapter was "How can I best prolong a useful Christian life as I grow older?"
One of the last statements he makes in that part is "In God's wonderful economy, there is always work to do and love to give." That's true and I want to always remember that, that even if I get infirm as I grow old, I can always be a prayer warrior and that's what I really want to be. It is also a good way to resist satan.

Have a great weekend!

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Oh, I'm just too honored...two in one day!

I can't believe I got two awards in one day! I'm quite honored and thanks to you both!

Leslie over at, The Pedaloge has just humbled me with this award! What sweet things to say...I hope they're true. I have walked a long road with Jesus and He still has to push me back onto the path every single day! I do tend to drift!

I believe you're supposed to pass this on to six wonderful women so here goes!

Janel, at is such a wonderful prayer warrior. She is a Christian woman who loves her family and it shows! She reminds me often that prayer is the only answer to any problem in this life. I love how she loves to read and loves books. She also gave me the daily dose today! Well, I got it today anyhow! Thanks Janel for being a friend!

Theresa, at who is a little like me in that she fixing to marry (a wonderful romantic story!) in her 40's (I hope it's o.k. to say that Theresa!), has grown children and is making a lot of changes in her life. She's so open and honest and I just love reading her blog because she's so interesting and creative! I laughed at her latest post about getting a cat! You should go over and read that.

Tonja, at lives not too far from me! That was just a little piece of unneeded trivia. She is not only hysterically funny, even in the midst of her own set of problems, but she is always there when I'm down and out, with an understanding word. She's extremely creative and loves her boys!

Dawn, at
I mean, what can you say about Dawn! Great mother, wife and grandmother and exceptional friend. She has the busiest life, with work and husband, taking care of and helping out with grandchildren including newborn twins! Check that out! But she always takes time to respond to my prayer requests.

I know that's only 4, but, y'all, my shoulder is hurting tonight. At church I almost got up and screamed. :) So I'll stop with four and maybe one of them will put an extra 2 on pressure!

Thanks everybody. I am really so thankful!

Thanks again......

Whoo hoo.....I got this one myself...only after DH spent an hour one night showing me how. I still can't do much any linking...but I am studying, really I am. I just don't have enough time to sit long enough to really learn. I told myself that 2008 was the year to learn....pitiful I know. One of the young mothers at my church told me that she will come over one day and spend the whole day show me in a few minutes how to link.

I would like to pass this award on to Jennifer at

I'm worn out now and need to get on to real homemaker work, so everybody have a great day!

Tuesday, January 22, 2008


Thanks to you all who commented on my last post and I know that God hears our prayers and responds in his time! However....(you knew that was coming, right??)right after I posted that, I had a shock with my son that required me to remember to let God be God! I guess my faith is learning to stretch, and I'm learning to lean hard on God. It isn't something I think I can even talk about in a blog post.

But I will give some advice. A year or two ago, my son told me about a site called MySpace where we could communicate with each other. This was when he was working in Afghanistan. I created a profile and it was good for a while. There were friends there that I knew and could comment back and forth with. Then I started seeing disturbing things. Young people that I knew who had lots of questionable things on their sites. Revealing pictures and really bad language from unexpected people. I began telling mothers that it might be a good idea if they went to their child's site and checked things out. Ultimately, it led to me seeing things on my own child's site that I should have never seen and so I've deleted that site completely. The original concept was probably not bad. But like lots of things, it just goes further and further away from what it was intended. I know most of you keep a close check on your teens, just be warned that they may have a very clean and safe site, but they can see lots of sites that aren't clean! I think it is very dangerous.

Anyway, that was rambling if I've ever rambled! If it didn't make sense just chalk it up to a strained state of mind...I think I'll start back with the "light" posts tomorrow!

Sunday, January 20, 2008

Just what I needed to hear!

Tonight at church the preacher said something I really needed to hear....and the strange thing (of course it wasn't strange, it was God!) was this wasn't part of the sermon, he just said "let me give you an example of God's timing....when I was pastoring a small church in Mississippi, there was a woman who prayed for her wayward son for years, she died and a year later he not only came to know the Lord but became a Baptist minister! Some people said her prayers weren't answered because it didn't happen while she was alive, but that's not true, her prayers were answered.....just in God's time."

And of course we know God's timing is perfect, He never shows up late, He's never surprised by what's going on, He has a plan! That just helped me so much because I too have been praying for years for my son to turn his life over to Christ and then live according to His word. I know God has a plan for my son's life. I know God will do what God does, and I know He won't be late. I may not live to see it, I hope I do, but I am learning the hard, hard way that His ways are not my ways!

Thanks to Jennifer over at Meditations and Musings for the spread the love award! I must confess that I had a hard time getting it onto my blog and that obviously I'm not linking to Jennifer (sorry), but I'm working on learning!

The maker of this award says,

"I have met so many lovely and very talented ladies here in Blogdom, what more can I do or say to express my humbled heart to each, than to give all my dearest readers and friends a special award filled with love. So, spread the love dear ones, spread the love to those you love."

She also gave me this one too.......

Thanks Jennifer! I am truly honored! I'll pass them along when I can figure out how! :(

Friday, January 18, 2008

This very special family.....

is mine! This is my son with his children, Ashley 15 and Adam 11. And then my daughter in law and Ashley and Adam and their little sister Angelina! These are the best gifts I have ever been given!

A while back, Ashley had an Italian student come and stay with her for a few weeks and now, really soon, Ashley is going to Italy to stay with that student's family! What an experience....this from a middle aged girl who has never been out of the country except to Mexico. I'm so excited for her....she's really such a good student and not your typical 15 year old! She's wise beyond her years, yet good as gold and a heart as big as all America.

Her brother is wonderful and is bound to grow up to work with reptiles! He loves lizards and all things reptilian! When he visits us, he loves to go out after dark and catch lizards.

Just like that one! He also loves to skateboard which he got from his daddy, and he tells me he's not a big fan of Mondays! School, you know!

My grands have really special personalities and I love them so much!! I tell them just like my grandmother told me....."I love you a bushel and a peck and a hug around the neck!" They've always liked that. I want them to feel just like I felt with my grandmother and like their daddy felt with his grandmothers.....special. They are!

I pray daily for my children and grandchildren....that they would know Christ and follow his commandments. That no matter where they are, where they go, what they succeed in this life, that they will put Him first. I pray that my life in some small way shows them Jesus.

For what is a man profited, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul? or what shall a man give in exchange for his soul? Matthew 16:26

I want them to know Jesus.

Keeping it light.....

For the past few posts, I've been trying to keep it light. Gosh, there is so much sorrow and sadness in the world that sometimes we just need to laugh...I think even the Lord thinks so according to Proverbs 17:22. Anyhow, the comment my sister left on the shaving legs post brought another memory to mind and that is PIERCING EARS!

Today it is very common for mamas to take their little girls, sometimes infants down and have their ears pierced. My granddaughter had her ears pierced as an infant (her nana didn't exactly like that, but she would never be one to interfere :) ), but back in my day, our parents were vehemently against ear piercing. My mother doesn't have pierced ears to this day even though we've offered to take her so she wouldn't have to wear those clip-on's that hurt so bad! Daddy thought it was a sign of, well not a good thing!

I got my ears pierced when I was 14 or 15. It was halloween, I was supposed to be trick or treating for UNICEF. Instead 2 friends and I went to a dentist (yes, I know, I said dentist!) in town and for $5.00 he would pierce ears. If that was anytime in the last 10 or so years, he would have been in big trouble! But I don't think he had any agenda except safety because we were piercing ears left and right (no pun intended) with needles and a potato (if you have questions about the potato, you're too young to be reading this post!). Anyway, I bravely went in with my earrings and he pierced the first ear. I ALMOST FAINTED, IT HURT! I said "I don't want to do the other one." But apparently he said I had to because I left in a daze with two pierced ears. I'm not good with pain, y'all!

By Christmas I had completely overcome the pain and drama of piercing so much so, that I hung Christmas Ornament balls BY the hangers in my ears! I immediately got a horrible infection and had to go to the doctor. I made it through that and now wear only good earrings, meaning they didn't come out of the Christmas box!

My parent's reaction couldn't have been so pretty, but I still have pierced ears so I guess they figured after all that, they would let me keep them!

Ah, youth! Seems so innocent now.

Thursday, January 17, 2008

Thank you Sister!

I complained just a little bit to my sister that I didn't have many commenter's on my blog and I wished she would set one up so she could at least comment....and she did! So thanks sister!

This is my sister, my mother and myself going to a luncheon for our cousin who turned 60....which means my sister will be... Oh, never mind...what am I thinking??

My sister is the pretty and thin one on the left and I'm the hefty girl on the right of mama. sister signs up today and already has 4 profile views. She should really blog don't you all think?

O.K. Over at My Quiet Corner, and yes, I'm still having problems making this (or anything else) link, was talking about razors and such and made me think of the first time I shaved my own know that was in the day of the double edged razor and I easily could have donated skin to someone. I was in the 6th grade which as we all know, is a very sensitive time of life and all my friends had very smooth legs (except for the bandaids), and I knew in my heart of hearts that it was time for me to shave my legs! So I was in the bathroom lathered up with shaving cream and almost through with one leg when above sister came in,saw and told on me! My mother came marching back to the bathroom and said "you're not shaving the other one!"

Now excuse me, but I'm in the 6th grade back in the day when we only wore skirts or dresses and I'm going to school with one shaved leg???? Oh, no, that can't happen, I mean I wasn't the most popular girl in my elementary school to begin with, but one shaved leg?????? I got up late that nite and destroyed the other leg so that I could go to school with my head held high and a box of bandaids on my smooth legs!

And yes, sister, I forgive you! I mean you're legs were long shaved AND probably your ears pierced, but that is for another time and blog post!

You really don't have to comment on this one sister! :)

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Don't mess with their bingo.......

I honestly don't know how I get myself into these big messes situations. I was with mama today and when it came time for bingo I was helping her get down the hall and into her lucky chair....uh oh, someone was already in her lucky chair...but mama nicely asks everyone to move over and I put another chair up to the table. I also managed to fit in another chair for mama's friend. At that exact time, while I was waiting for mama's friend to sit down, another old woman lady walks in and starts to sit down. I, quite innocently said, "oh, I got that chair for M D" to which she replied in a very loud voice, "I'll sit wherever I want to!" I, being the pushover passive girl I am, said "well, o.k." but she then turned as fast as she could with her cane, which actually isn't that fast, starts to stomp out of the bingo room and says "I'll just go back to my room!"

O.K. I ran walked after her and said "Please come back, M D sat at another table." She had on her boots and they were made for walking and I'm thinking today was the day those boots were gonna walk all over me! She made no response, only kept walking.

I decided that it might be a good idea if I waited in mama's apartment until bingo was over so as not to cause any further problems. As soon as bingo was over, it was dinner time and everyone was in the dining room as I left. I looked over and there she was at the back table...but, folks, she has a loud voice and she knows how to use it....she says "There she is....." I just started running for the door....

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Happy Birthday Matthew!!

Today Matt is 22! Wow! Time sure does fly. The first time I met Matt he had just turned 7. I was dating his dad and he had me over for supper to meet the kids. I thought, man these are the most well behaved children I have ever and I mean EVER seen. They said "please pass the .....", "thank you", "may I please be excused from the table?" stuff like that. Well I later figured out that Russell must have given them lessons before I got there, after that they acted like normal boys at the table!!!

It has been a joy to be your stepmama Matt. I'm sure you may have done some things wrong (GASP).....but you have been close to the Lord and so grown into a really nice young man.

Matt is in his second year in pharmacy school at the University of Florida. He's a Florida gator all the way!

One cute story about him is that Russell's parents took some of the grandchildren to Callaway Gardens when Matt was a really young boy and the FSU Flying Circus was there....they went and had a good time. Afterwards, Mema stood in line over an hour to get Matt a tshirt and when he saw it was FSU, he wouldn't have it and she had to stand in line to take it back!

Happy Birthday, Matt, I hope you spend your day STUDYING!

Monday, January 14, 2008

Has anybody seen my diet??

Last week, my husband decided we were going back to the gym! Today made 5 days, not counting the weekend, that I've been pulled out of my comfortable bed at an uncomfortable time of day.....meaning EARLY.....and gone under protest to the gym. You just have to know that until March of 2006, I was at the gym in a pretty tough step class 5 days a week. I was (technically am) a lifetime member of weightwatchers and was keeping myself up pretty good for a middle aged woman.

Right after these two got married, I just stopped. Not slowed down to 4 days a week or even 2 or 3. Just came to a sudden halt.

Now my body caught on to that pretty fast and said AH HA....I no longer have to work and move and sweat every she's just feeding me and so I think I'll thank her by expanding!

Slowly, the weight began to creep back on and now that I've admitted it to myself, I need to start at the beginning of the weight loss program! That is just pitiful. All that work wasted. Plus I'm older and it is bound to be harder. But I'll be working on it, oh, yea, you betcha....the husband will see to that!

This morning at the crack of dawn when I was trudging on the treadmill, trying to figure out how to work my ipod....and y'all know I don't pick up this new stuff easily, an old friend walked over to say hello and comment that I didn't look too happy....I looked up, which is dangerous when you're on the treadmill trying to work a mechanical device while walking 3.5 miles per hour....and said, sweetly I hope, I'm not really a morning person!

So now I'm exercising, if ONLY I can find my diet!

Sunday, January 13, 2008

The Chronicler.....

Since the advent of the digital camera in my everyday life, I have become a chronicler of my life and the lives of some that I love. I didn't realize it, I didn't plan it, it just happened. I take my camera almost everywhere. I keep it in my purse, unless it is charging or I forget it of course! Sometimes people sigh and seem to wish I would not keep snapping photos, but then love to see themselves later. So this weekend that is coming to an end tonight is the subject of my chronicling tonight.

Mama has had round the clock caregivers since she returned to the retirement center after her fall. This weekend my sisters and I stayed with mama to do some evaluating of our own. We wanted to determine in our minds if she is able to stay alone part of the time. Mama hates and yes I do mean hates having someone in her home every minute of the day and of course nobody blames her, but her safety has to come first.

I don't think any of the six of us ever thought we would be in this position and I know mama didn't. One day she told me she felt like she had lost all control of her own life, and it's true the reigns have slipped out of her hands and into her children's. It's hard, really, really hard. None of us would have applied for this job and none of us really want it, but here the reigns are in our hands and we have to guide her life in one direction or the other...

We made the best of things, our older brother spent most of the time with us, except nights. We took mama to visit her sister who is in a nursing home,out to lunch and to get a lift chair! The chair she needs because she shoulders and arms are so bad with arthritis that it's hard for her to get in and out and to lift the foot rest. The new chair and of course I did forget the camera in the store, is really neat. It's got electric controls that do everything for her and lifts her to a standing position when she needs to get up....which we wish was a LOT more often.

One of her friends visited and got in the pictures too!

I'm not sure we resolved any issues this was very stressful, very taxing on our muscles helping mama get around and very emotional. But issue resolved? Not yet.

Thursday, January 10, 2008


My husband and I just came from a "King's Brass" concert. Oh, if you ever get a chance to go if they are in your town, GO!!! They are all brass and piano presentation of God's word through their music. They have been here for the last 6 years and this year played at our church as a fund raiser for our youth choir. Last year they played in the civic center and that was just chill bump great! Just a little free advertisement for Tim Zimmerman and the King's Brass....I'm sure you can look them up online and buy their cd's.

Just a small update on my friend and her family.....all five children are settled in with different family members,with daily differing difficulties with missing their parents and probably each other. My friend has the two year old and she said he was doing good and liking his preschool (she works so he goes to preschool), but today they told her he's having separation anxiety....with good reason! My friend's brother and sil who have the baby have fallen totally in love with him! I'm sure all the children are confused. We are all still praying that the children's parents, my friend's son and wife, get it together (translated, are healed by God) and can put their family back together. I know they all want that, but only if they are straight and can care for the children.

Wednesday, January 9, 2008

The superhero.....

I really don't say enough or give my husband enough credit for who he is and what a solid rock he is for me and many others! He's an accountant and fixing to go full steam ahead into his busy season, but he always makes time if I call to give me his advice or just listen to me vent. Well, after a few minutes of venting he does say "gotta go".....but he at least listens for a moment. The reason I need to talk a little about him is because I know that many, many second marriages are not happy or peaceful. I'm so thankful that God brought us together the way He did so we would have no doubt it was Him, and I'm grateful for God's timing in bringing us together when He did; I needed stability badly. Now, don't think I mean it is all paradise and never a sharp word to be heard! No, no, no, that would be fantasy land! But he's always there and I can always count on him no matter what. He's patient (o.k. for the most part) when I'm off on a tangent and helps me come back to earth when I blast off like a rocket ship!

My friend from my previous post is the first one who labeled him's because he fixed something for her little daughter one time. Actually, I haven't found anything he can't fix if he works at it long enough. He is a man with many talents....he cooks!!! He solves most of my computer problems, although he doesn't help me with my blog and all of you know I need help!

Recently she was telling me that she told a friend about me and told her my husband was a superhero and a rock and I said, well, now not always....and before I got the words all the way out, she said stop, don't ruin it for me. So I said, well he has times when he doesn't talk to me like I want to, and she said well, he's a rock and rocks don't talk! O.K. you win, girl, he is my superhero and I'm glad I've got him.

I'm so thankful for him and I kind of just wanted to let the world know. He gets the Husband of the year award!

Sunday, January 6, 2008

Part of the big story of hurting families....

This story is written with permission from my friend. I won't use names because I'm not so good at making names up anyway.

Back in the 80's, I met a girl at work and we became good friends and have been friends since. Her son was about 5 when we met and he was just the cutest little boy, full of the love of God and mischeif, like all little boys! Her son was a little younger than my youngest son. My friend and I worked in the field of Juvenile Delinquency and she, specifically in the prevention area. That was a little joke on the both of us! Do as we say do as professionals, don't do as we do as parents. (That used to go through my mind as I would be talking to parents).

Fast forward many years, and my friend and I both have a child with drug problems.

Her son married young and he and his wife had twins 8 months after my friend had a baby girl! She wasn't supposed to be able to have any more children, but as we all know, God has different plans for most of us... she became a new mother and a new grandmother at the same time! Soon after the twins, there came another little boy, soon after him, another little boy and 6 months ago still another little boy. Five little boys born to drug using parents. And my friend's heart broke time and time again.

During this time, these young parents got more and more involved in friend's son was arrested, spent some time in rehab and came home to start over. But any of you who have children with drug problems know that they love the drug more than anything or anyone else, even their children. So it began again....and living in a small town, veryyyyy small, my friend would hear and see things going on and she and her husband began trying to make sure the children were being cared for properly.

With the help of the great grandparents, a mobile home was put on the same land my friend lives on and they tried diligently to get this little family involved in church and anything else healthy. But they remained on that path that leads to destruction and things just went downhill. Money that should have bought groceries, bought drugs. The couple would move back and forth between two small cities where they have family. They would separate, get back together, separate.....and so on...
Never a pretty picture, and I'm telling the prettiest version.

Recently, my friend's son and his wife left town, breaking his probation and went to live with a grandparent in another state. In spite of the legal problems, everyone prayed that they could make a fresh start with a clean slate. But that just wasn't to be and they were soon back to their old ways. Stealing from family to buy drugs, getting into strange situations, just diving deeper and deeper into the culture that seeks to steak, kill and destroy our children.

This weekend, my friend and her daddy met her son and his wife and got the five boys. Talking to my friend, it was a heart tearing time when they actually met in the parking lot, took the children and their garbage bag of clothing and took them from their parents. The four year old is outwardly showing the most hurt, he was the self-appointed caretaker. He made sure the older ones got up in time for school and he held the babies when they needed to be held. One morning, the greatgrandmother found him asleep sitting up in a chair with an alarm clock in his lap so he could get his parents up in time to get the twins to school.

My friend asked me if I had ever cried so much that my eyelids hurt. Yes. I guess we all, with children who have gone astray have cried rivers of tears. Had our hearts broken because we knew their lives were so broken and yet, we had no control. We turn to our God and plead at the mercy seat for His intervention. Many of us as parents do this daily and have done so for many years.

We know God is in control, we know He has a we stand....but in the standing, we hurt. We just hurt as those who have hope.

The children had to go with different parts of the family. The 6 month old baby is with my friend's brother and his wife who were privileged to help. The two year old is with my friend. The four year old and the eight year old twins are with my friend's dil's stepmother. They are all pretty close, but in different towns.

I pray and ask my blogging friends to pray that this young couple, these parents, are so lost without their children that they have a wake up call and get some help. And may God watch over them even as their families are watching over their children.

In the email I got from my friend this morning, she said "well, I have to go......I'm not used to getting a two year old ready for church anymore!" I also ask your prayers for my friend. So many of you know the reality of what she is facing and the terrible pain that her mother's heart contains, and the fear of what will happen to her own child.

Friday, January 4, 2008

And the tree is history....

Well, until next year of course. Superhero finally got the tree taken apart and put up for another year.....and even though it is an artificial tree, there were still a gazillion needles to vacuum. I rearranged and tried to organize everything so that next year, I can just get it done quickly! I'm just relieved it is finally down!

It sounds like a lot of us are in the battle starting out the new year. I haven't heard from my son since New Year's eve when he called to say he was at the urgent care with a hurt shoulder. I did talk to his wonderful children on New Year's day and as always, that was a joy for me!

O. K. today I went to do my mother's banking and my brother walked in and said "YOU'RE FAT!" He is currently frantically searching for his head. I know I've put on some weight this year and it is very distressing to me! So I got a magazine in the mail today and this was one of the articles listed on the front....Flatten Your Belly! New Science Targets AB Fat Specifically.....I'll be reading that as I eat some chocolate covered peanuts.....if it is any good, I'll give you all the secret!

O.K. Everyone have a wonderful, wonderful weekend.

Thursday, January 3, 2008

Taking a break!

Wow, I can't believe it is already the 3rd of January! AND that I'm just now taking down my Christmas stuff.....I'm the girl who wants it all OUT the day after....but this year has just been too busy and I haven't had an entire day to get it done, and it takes every bit of that and maybe some know, to find the stuff that was out before Christmas???? I "put it all in a safe place" .....problem is, it is so safe that I don't know where it is! Oh, well. So I am taking a little break!

We had a nice New Year's day...lunch with Russell's parents and of course the Florida game...sad:( .

Then I took the 3 - 11 shift with mama. Although tiring, we did have a good time. I rented a movie without really reading the back well and the reason it was rated R (irresponsible!). Mama invited her good friend over and we sat down and started the movie...much to my horror! There was a LOT of sex, nudity and language. O.K. I said I was ashamed! I said, lets just turn this off and they both said, no, that's o.k., we're old enough to watch this. Cracked up! I don't think they could hear the bad language, because they kept saying, what did he say? To which I replied, I couldn't hear! MORTIFIED!

After supper, we came back and I cleaned (and threw away SHHH) up a lot of just junk mama had, thinking all the while, uh, I need to do this at my house. I filled up two photo albums with loose pictures and we talked a lot. We talked a bit about daddy. Mama said that she misses him so much sometimes, we all do....but that when she is sick she misses her mama! That never ends does it? Missing someone?

When I got home, I quietly snuck into bed, even my dogs didn't bark! 11 p.m. is way too late for them to be up!

O.K. well, back to the restoration project.